How To Search For Cases
There are three ways that you can search for specific cases:
- Alphabetical Index - This index lists
all of the cases in the Clearinghouse by title in alphabetical order. If you already know
the title of a case that you wish to use, you can go directly to it from this index. Click
on the Alphabetical Index link on the home page. This link takes you to an index
page which includes an abstract for each case. To view the full text of any case,
just click on the title. You can read the cases online or print them out to review later.
- CEC Competency Index - This index
groups the cases by the subject areas of the CEC competencies
1) -Professional and ethical practices
2) -Characteristics of learners
3) -Assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation
4) -Instructional content and practice
5) -Planning and managing the teaching and learning environment
6) -Managing student behavior and social interation skills
7) -Communication and collaborative partnerships
If you are looking for particular cases which address any of these teacher competencies,
click on the CEC Competencies Index link on the home page. Then click on one the seven
competencies listed there to see the abstracts of the cases which address this competency.
Feel free to print out cases that you wish to use.
- Topic Index - This index
groups the cases by specific special education topics including:
1) -Assessment/Identification
2) -Assistive Technology
3) -Behavioral/Emotional Disabilities
4) -Cognitive Disabilities
5) -Diversity Issues
6) -Elementary Settings
7) -Family Issues
8) -General Education
9) -Inclusion/Co-Teaching/Collaboration
10) -IDEA/IEP's
11) -Learning Disabilities
12) -Medication Issues
13) -Physical/Neurological Disabilities
14) -Professional/Policy/Ethical/Legal Issues
15) -Secondary Settings
16) -Teacher Preparation/Internship/First
Teaching Experiences
17) -Transition
If you wish to view cases which address any of these topics, just click on the Topic Index
link on the home page. Then click on any topic to view the abstracts of cases listed under
that topic. Click on the title of the case to view the full text. Please feel free
to print out cases you wish to use.
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